What is the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program?
You may be wondering what exactly is a Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program or CDPAP and how it affects you. Essentially, this is a program that allows consumers who are self-directed or those who advocate or work for them to oversee all aspects of personal assistants of their choosing. This means that CDPAP allows for you to do the following with those who want to be personal assistants:
- Research and Recruit
- Interview and Hire
- Manage, Schedule, and Supervise
- Oversee and Dismiss
As a self-directed consumer, you will assess your needs for personal assistants, determine the parameters, who gets chosen for the role, and oversee their services to ensure that they meet the proper standards.
Who Qualifies?
You may be surprised at just how many people qualify for this service, especially given its nature of being a personal assistant. To become eligible, the consumer must have the following qualifications:
- Can Make Informed Decision or have an Advocate Make Decisions
- Medicaid Eligible
- Long-Term Home Care or AIDS Home Care or Personal Care Services Eligible
If you qualify through certified home health agency services, that also is enough to be eligible to have a personal assistant through this program.
How CDPAP is Different than Standard Home Care Services
At first, it may appear that the consumer directed personal assistance program is quite like standard home care services that provide a caregiver. The similarities include many of the services that both provide when taking care of a loved one. However, there are some stark differences which may make CDPAP more attractive depending on the circumstances.
As the consumer, you personally choose the caregiver that will provide the services, not the company. Most at-home caregiving companies will often assign a specific employee, but it is quite common for other employees to be involved as well. With CDPAP, you choose the person who will provide the care and work directly with them in terms of scheduling their time and services.
By being able to choose directly the personal assistant that will act as a home caregiver, you are empowered to find the best choice for your needs. this allows you to gain more control over who comes into the home and provides the care needed for the individual. The advantages are considerable when using this type of service.
- Hire, Train, Schedule, Supervise, and even Dismiss the Personal Assistant on Your Terms
- Develop a Direct Working Relationship
- Hire as Many Personal Assistants as You Deem Necessary
- Work with Your Schedule
The bottom line is that the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program offers individuals a far greater range of options compared to standard home caregiving services. This is perfect for those who have needs that fall outside the standard practices of caregiving by providing a personal assistant who can take care of such matters. Plus, it provides you with more peace of mind because you are the one in charge. It’s little wonder that CDPAP has become so popular in recent years.
If you or a loved one is interested in Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP), please call the PSC Community Services dedicated hotline directly: (929) 341-3588